From the Awakening album, ‘Ocean, Carry Me’ was recorded at the Rio Theater in Santa Cruz, CA, and features performances from Naomi Charanpal and Johanna Beekman, with footage from out in the desert at Joshua Tree and on the shores of our Pacific Ocean. Feeling blessed to be coming to the realization that we each, like a river, are flowing in to the sea and ocean of connectedness with each other, and with a ‘power greater than ourselves’…
“Hallelujah,” the first video release from the “AWAKENING” album, honors many of the Paths that we take that lead us home, towards the Divine, towards God. With lyrics and languages that honor practices including Buddhism, Christianity, Hindu, and blessed Amma ji, the message is clear ~ it’s all leading to that same, sacred place.
And, blessed to be able to share with you now this video release from the ‘Awakening’ album – a mix of Krishna Das’ ‘Govinda Hare’ and the traditional ‘Maha Mantra.’ After recording these kirtan one instrument and vocal track at a time, it’s hard to describe the blissed-out, resonant energy happening with these beautiful souls all together at the Rio Theater last month... Deep, deep bows and gratitude to everyone there that day, and in the studio this summer, and special thanks to Greg Gilholm (Director of Photography and Editor) for bringing this vision to life, and to Krishna Das for bringing this channel to the Divine to us all.